Thursday, March 13, 2025

Research and/or script for #3 question of CCR post

 My second CCR posting is the podcast idea for which I'm excited for, I have planned out the setting and the materials I'm going to use. The question I'm answering for the first part of my podcast is "How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?"

My script after the question is asked by the host is the following, "Our film engages with the audience as we gave them that genre many like, the typical thriller suspense genre of the killer and the victim. It is also distributed as a real media text when it represents an act that could happen in real life or has happened before, the toxic relationship that signifies of one partner or both being 'crazy'. It would be distributed through platforms like streaming platforms"

For this part of my CCR I'm trying to make it short since i only have around 5-6 minutes and also have another question to answer, plus the advertisments and welcome. 

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Research and/or script for #3 question of CCR post

 My second CCR posting is the podcast idea for which I'm excited for, I have planned out the setting and the materials I'm going to ...