Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Research and/or script for #2 question of CCR post

 As mentioned in my past blogs, I had some ideas for my CCR. I tried filming the karaoke carpool idea but it didn't work. The set up was complicated, the lighting wasn't good, and in all it wasn't interesting, so I decided to go with another idea. Which was the paparazzi idea, basically I would be leaving a place and the "paparazzi" would come to me and ask me questions. 

In this CCR I will be answering the questions "How does your product use or challenge conventions and How does it represent social groups or issues?" and " How did your production skills develop through out this project?" I felt this was the better order to go with.

For my first questions, "How does your product use or challenge conventions and How does it represent social groups or issues?". My planned script so far is "The film challenges conventions by including "the killer" or "the victim", also by such big plot it has. On the other hand it represents social groups or issues when it shows the main character being an obsessive intense character, also to those who love seeing the act of suspense and thriller on TV. Lastly, the biggest issue it represents is of those who are in a toxic relationship with partners or themselves who don't control themselves."

For my second question, "How did your production skills develop through out this project?", I have planned say "I learned a lot, a lot to do with facial expressions being key to a film, specially when there are scenes were there is no dialogue, I also learned a lot about lighting and how angles are key to the production and plot of a film"

I have yet to improvise more and do a bit more research but this is what i have so far. 

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Research and/or script for #4 question of CCR post

 My 4th CCR question which covers the last half of the podcast is "How did you integrate technologies-software, hardware, and online-in...