Saturday, March 8, 2025

Idea on question #1 of CCR post

 Now, comes the CCR posts. So far, I haven’t done much but it sounds pretty fun. Specially with the ideas I have in mind. For my question, “How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?” I don’t have a script yet  But, I do have an idea of how I will plan it out.

Even though there is no script yet, I am working on it and I’m thinking of doing one if my CCR’s a sort of drive and answer questions as someone is asking me questions while i’m driving, at one point we could stop to eat some food and talk. This idea came from a Youtube video I saw of James Corden’s segment where he does karaoke carpool, mine will be similar but just not karaoke. 

So far, I’m working on my script still. Trying to figure out the perfect answer tot he question and also how to not make is seem boring to some people. I’m planning on asking my teacher about it and seeing what she thinks. Hopefully, she can give me advice that could help me and guide me a little better with this idea.  

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Post-production process post (editing)

 We're nearly done with our editing. Not completely but we're getting there. We've been communicating through our group chat and in class/school what to edit in and what to edit out. Communication for our editing has been key to our success. 

After, looking over the film a few times, we thought it was perfect and nice until a huge gift was given to us. I received a text from our male actor Juandi. Juandi is currently a student at our school and extremely very good friend of mine. He's practiced music since young and is practically a musician or at least he's working hard to get there. He sent me a sample of a song he composed with a text following "lmk if this works for your project, hopefully it does." I listened to it and it was perfect. Perfect for our credit sequence.  Below is a video of him playing it on his piano after composing it. 

This song is composed by a Russian composer from the late 1900's Sergei Prokofiev. He composed this song for the play Romeo and Juliet, the Montagues and Capulets. Juandi composed onto the piano and sent it to us. Currently it is placed in our film, we still need to see if we're allowed to use or if it would cause us problems. Hopefully we can since if fits our credit sequence aesthetic perfectly. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Post-production process post (editing)

 After ending our filming we quickly started editing. We sat down at Dani's room and started editing everything. We're still getting the perfect editing but so far we've gotten through most. Editing has been hard but not much of a struggle.

We started off with shortening our clips, picking up which clips we're using and what sounds for what parts of the film were good to use. Entirely we came up to give 4 minutes. That was WAY too much, we had shorten up many clips. After shortening up most clips and 'being done' we came to be up to 1 minute and 20 seconds. That was too little so we had to add more clips or make some longer. After, doing so we reached 1 minute and 46 seconds. Way better, now we just needed to fix our sounds and organize our credit sequence and where it's going to go. 

This is us editing. Through 2 laptops and 3 phones. Doing research and passing on the videos from the camera to the computer. Our main editing phone was Dani's, as we could see in a photo it is dead and charging. It was a little problem we had but it was quickly fixed thankfully. We kept on editing and looking on songs that we could use on our credit sequence. 

We were also looking for the perfect title and font for our film. A topic that was very talked about. We picked on a sound that wasn't AS good but it worked. The font worked out pretty nice and well since Annie had done research on fonts for our film before. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Production filming process

 After having many difficulties with the casting and that being the reason our schedule went back, we were finally able to film and finish our production. We started filming Monday of this week and tried to fit i all the shots possible. From what we know so far we're done filming if anything we can continue filming in the rest of the time we have left. 

These are some of the images and footage from the BTS of the filming process.

The first thing we started off with producing was the movie that was going to be portrayed of the TV, aka the movie the couple is going to be watching. We didn't put much effort into this part mainly because is was going to be in the background of the film and it wouldn't be played much attention to. We did the make up of Annie as if they had killed, and used Juandi and Dani to be in the movie. This is how it turned out.. Its not too good but its made to seem as a black and white movie.

After producing it and editing it, we mirrored it onto the TV and started organizing and setting up the house how we wanted it to be set up to fit the theme of the main character, the girl. 

This was the aesthetic that ended up being used. We used tall candles around the house to create candle lighting. It looked super creepy and perfectly set the mood. After setting everything up we started filming. 

We finished up the living room shots and got going with the bathroom shots. Where we would be using the fake blood again. We had to think of a way of how he would see it and be suspicious of something happening. We tought Juandi about facial expressions being key to this part of the film and set up the bathroom.

After successfully completing the bathroom scene, we moved onto the most and final important scene which was the ending scene which some of these shots would be used also in the credit sequence. 

In these final photos, use see us trying to find the perfect knife to use. The one that would give off the better 'killing' vibe. Then, you could see 2 pictures of us setting up the lighting and also organizing the knifes from largest to smallest. 

We tried our best to make it perfect, we did multiple shots in case some shots wouldn't work and we did multiple different scenes just in case one was better than the other, we also wanted to test out an see how some new scenes (off script) would look like. 


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Casting (last minute problem)

 As mentioned in the last blog, we had big complications with casting last minute. This was the reason to why we couldn't film, completely messing up our schedule and our filming spam. The friend we had initially casted couldn't make it, for the day of filming and for the rest of the days. This caused us a big problem making us have to re-cast the guy.

We got to work, this time we all got together to find a guy who was good for this role and too would be able to make it to filming dates no matter what. As stated in past blogs the characteristics for our guy had to be mainly tall and look sort of older. a characteristic we also needed but didn't realize until re-casting was that they had to have good english, this means our character was for the united states so the actor who played it had to come with having a good english. This characteristic complicated out a lot since we're friends with many people from outside the united states who might not have that much of a good english. After looking for 3 days, we finally found someone, a friend of mine I initially thought of but didn't think of fully going through the idea of casting him. 

I texted him, and asked him. I ran him down the things he would have to be willing to do and thankfully said yes. This made it perfect. We were able to get over our problem but unfortunatlly too late to be able to film this week. What mattered is that we had our new guy. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025


 This obstacle was huge. It stopped us and prevented us from filming. It was one of those obstacles that might get to a point of being unfixable without unorganising everything. In this case for us, it happened like that. It completely flipped us around. 

The day of filming came up, everyone was ready. They were on their way with all the props. The guy who was casted to be the boyfriend was already with me. We were waiting for the rest of the group to come to film. All of a sudden unfortunatally something came up, the guy had to leave. It was a personal problem related with family causing him to imidietally leave. I contacted the group about this issue as soon as I could and we canceled filming for that day. Thankfully it was just the beggining of the week so we thoguht we had time to film later in the week. 

No. We were wrong. last that day he called me to let me know and excuse himself that he won't make it. He won't make it for the rest of the shooting because of this personal issue that had came up. It was horrible news, he felt horrible and recommended us to find someone new. We got to work quickly trying to find someone but found nothing. It took us 3 days to finally find someone. This guy was well suited we texted him and he said yes. The problem was that by then it was already too late in the week. Leaving us no time to film. Moving our schedules completely back. 

Idea on question #1 of CCR post

 Now, comes the CCR posts. So far, I haven’t done much but it sounds pretty fun. Specially with the ideas I have in mind. For my question, “...