Now, comes the CCR posts. So far, I haven’t done much but it sounds pretty fun. Specially with the ideas I have in mind. For my question, “How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?” I don’t have a script yet But, I do have an idea of how I will plan it out.
Even though there is no script yet, I am working on it and I’m thinking of doing one if my CCR’s a sort of drive and answer questions as someone is asking me questions while i’m driving, at one point we could stop to eat some food and talk. This idea came from a Youtube video I saw of James Corden’s segment where he does karaoke carpool, mine will be similar but just not karaoke.
So far, I’m working on my script still. Trying to figure out the perfect answer tot he question and also how to not make is seem boring to some people. I’m planning on asking my teacher about it and seeing what she thinks. Hopefully, she can give me advice that could help me and guide me a little better with this idea.