Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Music Marketing #2

 We went through a lot of thought process for our project. We made a storyboard after deciding to do a storyline for the music video. The storyboard helped us organize our ideas and in what order to do them in. We went through a sequence of ideas and scenes to film outside of school and inside of school. After having everything organized and done we decided to start shooting. We started shooting according to a schedule we did in the beginning of organizing the whole project, this schedule helped us know when to have things ready and when to start filming certain things. Anyways, after starting to film we decided to first do in school shooting and get most of it done with. After, we started editing immediately as soon as possible, and decided to complete the rest of the clips outside of school. When we decided to meet go outside of school we came up with a problem, one of the members that were initially in the beginning of filming couldn’t film anymore and that caused us a big problem since we needed them for later, we also realized our video was to bland and didn’t have enough so we decided to go with a risky decision to restart all over again and get another person to play the role of the character who could no longer film. And so we did, we started filming form zero. It was easy and quick and then we started editing. The editing was also quick. We ended up having some obstacles but it was possible. In all the experience was fun and entertaining. 

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