Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing #1

 We worked on researching about our bands. I in specifically worked on Red Hot chili peppers we worked and made sure to now everything about the band in marketing and techniques for production. Our research was pretty deep since we wanted to go the most in depth about everything to make our project better. We organized ourselves with a schedule, with what days we're filming by dates, scenes, working on presentation and blogs. This helped us a lot since it gave us a better view on what days we're all available for something like filming. The planning was also very helpful, we created a story board to help out plan our ideas for the scenes of the music video. Also, we created a group chat were we communicate with each other about any updates and changed plans happening. The research was definetly very helpful in helping us know more and have more knowledge about whats behind the music world since most of came into this project not knowing a lot. The planning took a big part in organizing ourselves with this class, other classes, school in general, work, and anything related outside of this class since we all have our personal lives where we have more going on. Planning and research are essential to any project's success, and they enable me to have precise, and organized work done. I got the information I need to have to understand the project's goals, background, and possible difficulties by carrying out in-depth study. This enables me to make well-informed recommendations, pinpoint important resources, and foresee any obstacles that might appear. I can then ensure a logical progression toward the objective by using planning to help me break down the tasks and processes into manageable segments. Research and preparation allow me to provide customized guidance, lower risks, and increase overall efficiency, enabling you to confidently navigate the complexities of your project, whether it's organizing a project, outlining a strategy, or optimizing resources. When filming, our story will help a lot since it has a clear outline of the stuff we need to film and in what part of the music video and also what locations with what characters. The project benefit greatly from research since it gave me the basis of information I needed. I was able to find trends, investigate best practices, and obtain current, correct knowledge through research. This made it possible for me to comprehend the difficulties at hand, foresee possible problems, and come up with workable answers. Additionally, it assisted me in finding practical tools, resources, and project-related approaches. It would have been more difficult to accomplish the intended result if I hadn't conducted this in-depth research since I wouldn't have had the knowledge necessary to approach the project strategically and effectively. Finally, research and planning helped a lot on this project and played a big role on organizing the project correctly and helping me reach the proper tasks i needed to reach. 

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