Our opening scene, which is the one definite, the one we're certain we're going to use is about a couple who is happily together but the one finds out she has killed someone, once he goes to confront her about it we see her diabolically sanding in the kitchen waiting to kill, he doesn't know though. As he's going to tell her she is talking diabolically to him, she seems crazy. We see her get closer and closer to him as her steps towards him start getting more scary, worrying him. Then, we here a knock that follows with "police" and instant red and blue lights flashing into the house. In that moment they look at each other and she pushes into him, "attacking him" and finalizes with her finger covering her mouth and her other covering his mouth doing a "shushing" sound. Leaving the opening film with suspense.
Aside from this film opening we decided on, before there were many other ideas. These ideas shifted from if she kills him or there's suspense or if there is another killing and many more things. We decided on not doing the killing scene after thinking through and realizing how complicated a killing scene is. How much it takes to seem realistic so, we decided to take it out and instead imply there will be a killing happening but it isn't shown. Then we had to think about how that was going to be shown and thought of the knock, we thought it was pretty creative and suspensful, even better if its the cops. The cops are there, which will be shown by a phrased followed by "police" and blue and red lights flashing inside the house, because of a killing she got caught commiting which is why he finds blood on the bathroom.
Lastly, the very first film opening we thought of, which we quickly scrapped was the killing arising because of an argument. The reason we scrapped this idea so quick was because of all the cons that came with it. For example, the killing scene as spoken before and how hard it would be to film it. Also, the arguing scene, we thought that the arguing scene would seem too basic. The plot of, couple fights, girlfriend is crazy and kills her boyfriend, we didn't like that idea so we scrapped it. That idea came with the "cheating" idea, where he cheats, she finds out and kills him. All these ideas were fun but we wanted something more sort of unique and not so common. So, thats why we landed on our idea of her love language being killing, it kind of gives of the vibes of diabolical and sinical love.
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