Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sound Project

 When first hearing about the sound project, we thought it would be easy but after learning and seeing the lesson about sound we quickly realized it wasn’t as easy at we thought it would be. You have to have a lot of technique, it’s something that can’t be done last minute, you have to measure the volume of the sound and what sounds come first and after. The instructions for the sound project were to make an outline of a story that realistically would last around a minute, something creative and interesting. 

At first when brainstorming we came up with a simple idea of being in a coffee shop but then realized we need more action in our project, something more interesting and fun. So, we kept the idea but simply changed the fact that it was a normal day at a coffee shop, we ended up making one of the coffee machines exploding. Making our outline was surprisingly helpful, we notice when we started editing, it helped to organize not only our idea but also was goes first and how loud the sound should be. 

Me and my partner both used Adobe as our editing resource, we had to learn how to use but it ended up working out. Lastly, I really liked my project but I would make some of the sounds more realistic and not so ‘fake’. But at the end of the day, the project was fun to film and edit and I really liked the outcome of it. 

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