Monday, September 30, 2024

OWF Project

 Me and my partner got the word relief, it took us time to come up with something quick and easy but we did it. We came up with the story of a girl who come into class and doesn’t know she has a test, so she decides to cheat, when she finishes she’s scared of getting caught but it reliefs at the fact that she didn’t and instead got an A. Since, she’s the project was supposed to not last more than a minute and 30 seconds, we realized it was too long and maybe a little complicated. 

So, instead we decided to shorten up the story and ‘cut it in half’. Our story end up consisting about and girl who gets to class and sees ‘Test Today’ written on the board, she freaks out since she didn’t know and so starts rushingly studying, we show and portray her stress and finally her relief after the teacher walks in and crosses out what’s written on the board, insinuating that the test gets cancelled.

In order to make our project fun and understanding, we used a lot of clear emotion and body language. For example, when the girl is stressed and studying for the test, we used tight close ups to insinuate that uncomfortable and stressing environment. We portray her forehead wrinkling as her eyes move left to right (reading and trying to memorize) and we see sweat droplets dropping from her forehead, finally we also portray her reaction and she scoots down her desk, wipe off the sweat and her breathing increases in a form of relief. 

The project was fun to film, we had fun using a lot of creativity  and acting out the scenes. 

Idea on question #1 of CCR post

 Now, comes the CCR posts. So far, I haven’t done much but it sounds pretty fun. Specially with the ideas I have in mind. For my question, “...