First, we had to choose on an inanimate, we chose the water bottle to be able to create the dramatic scene of the water falling out, and also because it was the first thing we saw on our desks. Anyways, for the faces, we used an expo dry erase marker. Then, we followed up with how the water is going to fall. We came up with the pen as an easy and funny way of it tripping. After having everything ready, we started taking the pictures. We used a POV shot for when the teenage girl takes the selfie with the water bottle on the floor, and the rest were mainly, long shots and medium shots, towards the end we used an over the shoulder shot, to show the teenage girl grabbing the water bottle and closing it up.
It was definitely a fun 'quiz' to do, we had a lot of fun being creative and adding more and more things to the story to make it creative. For the characters, we used my partner to capture the photos, while I was the teenage girl, and our main character was an orange medium Hydro Flask.